Doughnuts have got to be one of the most popular products sold in bakeries. Thousands are sold everyday to fans of the sweet and sugary fried ball of dough as an ideal treat or afternoon snack. But the quality of doughnuts varies enormously depending on where you buy them from. Supermarkets are cheap, often selling 5 or 6 for a pound or so whereas a proper bakers can charge 60p or more each.

However, the absolute finest doughnuts can easily be made at home and the good news is they are a thrifty triumph! Just a few ingredients and a little time will give you 9 excellent doughnuts to share for not much more than the price of one good bakers doughnut!
If jam is a ‘must-have’ in your doughnuts, then one of these is an absolute must!
Some step-by-step photos

For an extra special treat, roll the doughnuts into an oblong sausage shape and leave to prove as before. Fry in small batches of 2 at a time then roll in sugar as before.
When the doughnuts have cooled, split them in half without cutting through completely and fill with sweetened whipped cream…and jam if you’re so inclined!