I have no idea why it has taken quite so long to finish this simple, straightforward dress. The Vogue Very Easy pattern number V8764 has been a great starting point for a beginner but I just seem to have got to a point where I put the project to one side for a few days to do something else and haven’t been able to get back to it.
Anyway, I have decided that next week (it has to wait until then…I’m off to a wedding this weekend!) I will definately finish it. I only have the sleeves to insert and the hem to do on the dress and the lining and voila!
I have really enjoyed doing it, the dress is looking really good and I am looking forward to starting a new project!
Finished pictures next week…I promise…all going well…!!
At last, it’s finished 🙂 Hopefully take photos tomorrow to prove it!
Thank you Yvette! I really hope to have the dress finished very soon…the sleeves are in, just the hem to go 🙂
Lovely dress, Donna – funny how we did manage to pick up something from those long frustrating hours in the sewing room. I’ve ‘liked’ your blog – hope there will be a picture of the finished dress soon.