The First Fruits Of Our Labours!

It’s taken a little while but finally we are starting to get some produce after our planting efforts!

As we have not got any garden at home, any thing we plant here has to be in pots and there is very little room so we have allowed space in a glass roof ‘lean-to’ along the side of the house to grow some tomatoes and cucumbers…always a favourite in summer!

There are 6 pots altogether, 4 have been planted with Thompson & Morgan ‘Cristal’ F1 Hybrid tomatoes (large succulant fruits), 1 with Thompson & Morgan ‘Sweet Aperitif’ (a sweet cherry tomato) and the final pot has a cucumber, again from T&M, ‘Bella’ F1 Hybrid.

 We started off the seeds in small pots in a window sill propagator towards the end of May and very soon the plants were large enough to plant on into the bigger pots they are residing in now.

As the plants grew there were very few side shoots to pinch out on the tomato plants so they really have needed very little care apart from regular watering and weekly feeding now that the fruits have set.

The cucumber plant has done very well, we have already had 3 large and juicy cucumbers from this one plant and there is another ready for picking now…hopefully it will still be producing cucumbers when the tomatoes are ready!



The tomatoes, although a little further behind the cucumber than we would like, are also looking good!

These are the ‘Cristal’ tomatoes forming nicely…





and it looks as though we will be getting plenty of the super sweet ‘Sweet Aperitif’ tomatoes too!



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